Sincerely Smile Get lost and let people, experiences, sights, and nature guide your way Learn basic phrases of the language Utilize your intelligence rather than ignorance Blend in rather than stand out Expect the unexpected Come back home with a list of new Local friends Follow your intuition Set your eyes on a person rather than a screen Let go of AC and tourist buses for locals and chickens Get in touch with your spiritual side-it’s there Put the camera down Listen-yes just listen Homestays with local families Eat food from the local guy rather than Trip advisor tourists taste Think like an entrepreneur (countries need you!) Sing English songs through parks, streets, markets-fun and entertaining for locals Open up your heart, but not your pockets Soak in each and every second of the travel experience Teach English in a foreign country Explore markets inside and out Give praise and reward when people are doing a good job Be sad it’s over, but ready to do it all over again |
DO NOT................
Listen or believe everything you hear Rely on tours as your only dose of cultural interaction Walk through a fantastic museum in ten minutes Constantly compare a country to your own Only speak to a local when you need something Rely on alcohol to enjoy a culture Take traveling for granted Associate poverty with stupidity Take photos with street children Hide within an entourage of tourists Act superior Hike a mountain with flip flops Abuse the hotel WIFI Let homesickness ruin your trip Flash your money and expensive gadgets Eat pizza, fish n chips, and beer everyday Allow fear to take over opportunities to interact, learn, share, assist, and inspire |