Sometimes I just want to conform to society and say, "Yes, I went with an organized group." "I had this planned a year in advance." "I travel with the group on tours throughout the city." But as they say.....the truth shall set you free.
Therefore, when my friend asked me these questions, I shared with her that I went to the Philippines because it was something I wanted to accomplish for my own personal values and inspiration. It was also to..... "check it off my bucket list."
She says, "Bucket list? I thought that was something you start when you are 60."
This innocent comment just confirmed a belief and it did not surprise me as that is exactly what our culture teaches us and shapes our beliefs in this closed mindset. This is not to call my friend "closed minded" at all, but it is to comment on what is the societal norm for true exploration. It doesn't happen NOW rather it all happens LATER.
This is the main problem in our society that we work a career until retirement. We have our 401K and social security and then it is the time to travel and enjoy your life. What is this saying? This is saying that work is being prioritized until your retirement and then the society is saying, "Okay go enjoy now. Get those items checked off your bucket list."
A person can work, explore, experience, travel, and have a family. It sounds easier said than actually done, but it is truly possible. Why? Because I see amazing individuals, couples, and families that are living that way NOW. These people are living moment to moment and day to day. Instead of postponing the Grand Canyon for three years in a row-they take off the days, they start their own business, they explore one of the one hundred ways to make money online(legally of Course). These people take risks, they make sacrifices, they have the ability to say "No" and they are aware of when to say "Yes", they face their fears, they ask questions, they do not listen to what society is constantly whispering in their ear, they think outside the box, and they are responsible with smart decision making.
What the society does not account for is the fact that maybe at 60 years old-a person will not be around to complete that bucket list? A person never truly knows when their time is up. But besides this significant fact, there is something else that takes high priority. A high percentage of that bucket list may not be available when you are 60! For instance, seeing Elton John in concert and then he passes away-gone, watching a tennis match of Andre Agassi who then retires, try a new profession that has always been on your mind, going skiing(at sixty you have a bad knee), see the Northern Lights on a trip with close friends, watch a special movie in Central Park, or attend events that just don't repeat over.
When a moment comes and it is not seized. This pattern repeats itself with a cycle of "Being busy" that continues and reduces the chances of spending time choosing new experiences. Comfort settles in and work is prioritized leaving a person to talk about "Going to Italy or taking the kids to Hawaii," but action does not surface. a vicious cycle that basically repeats itself until the age of 60. Some may have an epiphany at 40, 50, or maybe 35 that they are not happy, life is passing by and they have so many things to see and do, and then what happens? People start living and making check marks on that bucket list. It is their "Ah Ha" moment where they start living and realize that they are missing out on life.
It is always the worst thing for me to hear people who are sick and talking about all the things they wish they could have done. They might be 30 and they may just be 50. They did have a chance and they lost it because other things than their own interests, passion, curiosity, and exploration were important.
On the contrary, there are those people who have a life or death experience and decide that now is the time to start life. Yes, it is definitely the time for them to live and I couldn't be happier for this enlightening moment. It is their "second chance" at life.
What about a first chance at life? What about seizing the beauty that a higher power or just life has given us? It's almost like cheating when we just disregard the first half of life
and then decide to live the second. The majority of people will say, "I don't have the time" and "I'm busy" connected with work and family. Everyone has to work in this country, that has been established a hundred years ago, but what is suppose to come from a life that is only focused on something monetary. What about the heart? What about the soul? What about stimulating the mind? What about meeting new people and exploring different cultures? The depth of our mind and human behavior will not grow without these experiences on our bucket list.
These experiences or achievements that a person hopes to accomplish during a lifetime(definition) have varying levels of difficulty. One might be having a boyfriend while another one might be skydiving. They address wants, desires, passions, needs, etc and the are possible to be accomplished at any age. Someone who is sixty absolutely has the potential to complete their bucket list, but the likelihood of that happening is significantly lower.
The goal of this post is to open up the eyes of those who are waiting. They are waiting for a easier or better time, they are waiting for more money, they are waiting for job to slow done, they are waiting for their kids to grow up, they are waiting until they are stable. The word "waiting" is repeated because people are prioritizing around work and commitments and this leads them to live the same life checking off a few on that bucket list.
Those who are simply happy might have a bucket list with five check marks, but many people are recommended to dig deep inside their heart, follow their intuition, and make that bucket list and start planning today-yes TODAY. Trips can be planned a year in advance or a event can be attended next month.
Remember that... Life happens NOW not LATER
Post continued with How to Make a Bucket List and Start Planning....