As far as the content, that is what matters the most to me and I do take pride in my writing as a focus on the reality of today and what I experience through education, social interaction, travel, ministry, groups, and pure observation on a daily basis for ten years...more than this actually.
The tool used to display content(the website) is just at the beginning stages and it will improve to make it increasingly user friendly. While I am not interested in rejoining the social networking world-the reality is that this space is where everyone connects.
This will transition shortly to make the website interactive for everyone to create a community between all of you:)
Secondly, there are a few glitches on the site with font, writing not properly saving, and this is a consistent issue. It is being addressed so thank you for you patience!!!:)
Lastly, the inspirational messages will taking a break this week as I have many other things to cover with San Francisco!
And as you can see, posts are behind and will be updated soon!
It's great to stay connected with this blog specifically because I am constantly meeting and attending fantastic events with truly inspiring, intelligent, innovative, passionate people. Their success and amazing qualities just can't be denied rather they need to be shared!
***Please feel free to share your family and friends with my website!
I will be starting $10 gift certificates for every 20+ legitimate subscribers provided
I sincerely apologize this does not apply for those who live outside of USA, but it would be a kind heart to share a great space with a fellow friend:)*****
Thanks for your support and stay tuned! PCR