On those days we question ourselves, something spiritual above us confirms that we are in the right place doing the right thing. The thing about confirmations is that they may be difficult to detect, but with practice it becomes easier. Often that spiritual frame of mind connects with the moment and what is occurring or maybe a realization will come later on in the week, the month, or at another intended time. We can connect the confirmations just like connecting the dots with a bit of insight and awareness into our own behavior. These dots lead to same point - purpose.
When one, Priscilla as an example, is in a "Self-growth" phase- a higher sense of doubt may settle with questioning and distraction by perception of others . For someone in this same position , we might feel like the one at the start line stretching her muscles out and double lacing her shoes while someone else has run around the track a few times. Why is this person ahead when I have done so much and I'm still stretching it all out?
The answer to this is the quote from my inspiration-Joel Osteen-"
We Run Our Own Race!!!!
Everyone starts and ends somewhere, but not everyone is running at their own pace. When a person does feel doubt, they should keep their radar on for confirmations. There are confirmations all around us whether it is from a new person, an article, a radio ad, a church service or interaction with a member-keep the eyes, ears, and heart open and they will come your way...when you least expect it.
While there have been many instances of confirmation with a intuitive connection with people and my spirituality-it is the unexpected ones that are the best. My friend from church, see above, invited me out for a outdoors concert on a beautiful night in Chicago. We met with a couple of his IT co-workers and we were laughing and enjoying ourselves right from beginning. It was great being out with friends as I am always at a event that involves church or a professional aspect of my career, but I came out that night....
What is funny is that he calls himself a "Spiritual Tour guide" and he is wonderful at connecting people with one another and sharing a great positive energy everywhere he goes. Perhaps that attracted people our direction as two women sat down at our table....
These women were drinking and having a good time and kindly started a conversation asking about our nationality, our profession, and started discussing culture. They were speaking about India, the culture, temples, and all kinds of world events. It actually surprised me as I just didn't expect it, but Expect the unexpected. I would think that excessive talking was due to drinking, but I saw true curiosity in their eyes. When I spoke about my career, travels, mission, and passions-these women were completely supportive. I had a deeper connection with one who was truly wanted to learn about my experiences and share her own story.
They provided more support than most of my family and friends. "You're doing fantastic things your family must be proud." "You are on the right track, keep it up." And the one lady was a fan of Joel Osteen and said, "As long as your doing God's work, you will always be taken care of. Don't ever forget how special you are." This is not where I sit and think, "Thanks I know that." This hit home for me and truly touched my heart because you could see in her eyes, spirit, and presence that she meant it. They were not making me feel good or trying to be nice-they were confirmation.
Now, was this just two ladies saying random stuff with too much alcohol? That would be the common perception, but the timing of it and their exact words, behavior, attitude, and feelings right on point. It's common for people to have interest and listen, but for people to confirm what I am doing-that is a special moment from two human beings. That day I didn't feel as confident about myself as these guys were talking about work, salary, buying a home, etc.
Following a service and commitment to a higher power "Was I doing something wrong?" Instead of working on one career in one office in one city- I'm stretching with Writing, Speaking, Therapy, and Missionary work. I'm not in one place consistently rather I'm scattered in different places, different cultures, and different continents. Am I suppose to have a salary and be buying a house? Am I behind?
WE are not behind rather we are right where we are suppose to be. If you feel passion and purpose in you heart-don't let it go no matter what people say, do, or feel. We are human and blessed in different departments and unfortunately some people do not tune into confirmation and they are working in a job that has no connection to who they are and their life passion. When it comes to your position, they may joke about it, think you're not realistic, say you need to find a real job, you should be responsible, you should act your age, and not confirm what you believe in doing and becoming, but you are right where you need to be. Rest assured stay patient, keep your faith or hope, and work hard.
From a person who has received many confirmations from clients, students, religious figures, missionaries-tune into those confirmations. Confirmations have kept me in my purpose on those days of doubt and questioning. Confirmations come along via a person, place, or event and with your intuition in place-you can feel that moment where something clicked. Someones words, actions, beliefs, thoughts, interests, passions, suggestions, ideas-positively impact your being not just directly, but when you tune in and accept it. It's there.
Believe it. Receive It. and Achieve it. -PCR-
While my motto is Believe in Your Purpose........
Confirm Your Purpose