They came out proud and different and I was different. My role had changed as I knew I needed to follow my service to God and connect with others. It was my responsibility to constantly do this with the Indian population especially, but everyone as always. While I thought initially about promoting my church, there was a change in plans from above-"Promote me Priscilla and promote what I gave you."
That is exactly what I did as "Believe in Your Purpose" flyers were created to pass out to such beautiful, kind, inspirational, caring, supportive people. They got the message and thankfully I did too.
In the middle rows with a nice couple Pastors I had met. It felt different....It was different....With the sermon and prayer, it was time for those who were non-believers to come forward. To face any shame, guilt, or fear and walk forward to the front. I....I...came forward to be closer to the spirit that was present and cleanse myself of it all.
Slowly the space on the floor was gone and people were continuing to come through the aisles. The space filled up for intense prayer with hands up praising the Lord, eyes intently closed, intimacy with the moment, tears, and pure intensity. This nice man was behind me and I was speaking with him after this prayer and informed me "Get ready it's about to go to another level."
"Wow, there is another level?" It was a level that I just didn't expect myself to participate in and especially be front and center for such intense praying and..... "miracles." "Hallelujah." "Hallelujah." "Hallelujah." Intense prayer, hands of healing, eyes of healing, crying, people lying on the floor and there I was also finding my own healing cleansing away the bad and embracing the good work and future I have ahead.
It was one man leading this miraculous experience. Pastor Bonnke stood up there intensely preaching the gospel and no matter what relationship a person did or didn't have-he made sure everyone knew that it didn't matter. We were all sinners who needed to accept Jesus and move forward in our lives.
Pastor Bonnke may not quite be my style of ministry, but the word is the same at the end of the day praising the lord with all we got.
After the event was where the real work was done connecting with so many fantastic people. Adults, families, friends from church, prayers and blessings with strangers, conversations about heaven and our existence-it was like I said....That one drop of rain turned into a whole tsunami. A tsunami of vulnerability, stories, prayer, and connection. It was not a concert where everyone left with who they came with and went on their way. People left with friendship, supports, ministry connections, a new church, a new perspective, and a new protector. People were alive and opened up their heart to Jesus. Two of my ministry students had the biggest smile from a distance and big hug upon arrival. People of all ages, all backgrounds and cultures- we all united...under one roof....for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.