The best part was having the youth come up to read scripture, sing, share their experiences, and reasons why "Run for Jesus"
While youth were the focus, there are both children and youth being served in the ministry of Dr. Regi Paul, Indo American Christian Children Of Chicago. The Run for Jesus and The Passion play for children and youth have been going on for years. The Passion Play has been quiet a success and children have shared their own passion for it. Read More...
It was my first time meeting these youth and they were so kind and welcoming. I had mentioned that working with many youth, I never know what to expect when I first walk in the door, but these children were lovely, kind, polite, and clearly...there was a dedication to Christ. There is a difference between a youth is lost and troubled and youth who is challenged but they have a strong love and faith in Christ.
Our meeting did not have a break and it's often you see kids become restless. Of course, they were kids and had a few laughs and jokes, but they were incredibly patient. They closed their eyes with intention and focus. They spoke boldly, honestly, and from their heart. It did not sound rehearsed, as those moments where kids stand up with their eyes rolling waiting racing through to the last word. These few children and mainly youth(15 in attendance and over 200 total) were present, patient, and proud. I couldn't help, but wonder. "Are all the kids like this?" Clearly, I know the answer to that question as every child is their own person. But Dr. Regi Paul is providing these children with the right environment. The environment that contributes towards positive growth and leadership. These children have potential sitting in the palm of their hand and it is up to them to utilize it.
It is the children and youth who have to face some of the most difficult decisions to move in a positive direction. To stay in their own lane rather than focus on negativity that surrounds them. A country that I would question even bringing a child into with the amounts of environmental barriers and negativity. The media, the declining education, and the rise of technology. From a psychology perspective, the majority of people do not understand how all this connects and how it impacts a child's behavior.
Dr. Regi Paul has targeted exactly what these children need. He has given them three of the most important components: consistency, support, and love. Also, all his time, resource, and dedication make children feel they are important. They need to refocus on Christ, minimize negative behaviors catering to the norms of this country, build community, take responsibility, and train to become leaders. Dr. Regi Paul and his wife Rita are selfless human beings who have been serving the Lord for over twenty years with this ministry. They have full belief that these Indian Christian children have potential to lead lives of leadership, service, and integrity.
It's with great pleasure that I accept the new position as
the Board of Advisor for Indo-American Christian Children of Chicago.