As I sat in my seat, I expected a few people to stand up around me and expected about 70 percent to stay seated. When I looked around me, I saw what appeared to be almost everyone standing up. I sat in disbelief and had to stand up to get a full view of the stadium. My eyes just kept scanning the room and my heart filled with joy and love for
A.) All these people with the courage to stand up
B.) Those who are confused, need direction, have challenge
C.) Those who came that night for the literal title....
"A Night of Hope".......
I realized the Indians behind me, the couple in front of me, the family to the right of me-they weren't big super fan's of Joel and watched him everyday. They were people looking to connect with his ministry and build a relationship with God. This was his chance to pour God's love for these people into that stadium.
To show them that God gives second chances
To show them that they are loved even if they don't believe
To show them that it's okay to be lost because one day you will be found
To show them that family can join together and be in faith
To show them that all things are possible with God
To show them that God has a plan for each and everyone of us