It was not a surprise to see how touristy the Fisherman’s wharf had become. Any restaurant and store was available at the drop of a US dollar-way more than one for San Francisco. To eat, crab you have a choice between the overpriced restaurants or the family owned small carts on the street (Priscilla’s station). Yapping with all the guys and taking ten minutes to choose between Crab, Crab, and more Crab. Clam chowder, Fresh crab legs, crab cakes, crab salad-crab everything. I enjoyed a huge portion of crab meat and half a cup of Clam Chowder (big sample for a special customer). I don’t even eat Clam Chowder soup because it’s 1000 calories, but “Wow.”
Being crab obsessed, I needed more….for tomorrow…on the plane.
“My friend, “Let me give you some more business and let me get a whole crab and put it in the fridge overnight.” Pris
“What type of fridge?”
“Well, a standard fridge.”Pris
“We need to know the name, make, and model of the fridge?”
“Of the fridge? She doesn’t even know that- who does?” Pris
“Hmmm we are concerned if you take the crab it will spoil.”
“I could not live with myself if a whole crab went to waste…What about dry ice?” Pris
“That is not going to help.”
Sadly, I had no To go Crab, but I still had my long lost love…. “In and Out Burger.”
For those of you who don’t know, “In and Out” is the best burger, shake, and fries place in the West Coast-some would argue in the whole country. It had been on my mind all day, “Could I go to In and Out and not eat a Cheeseburger? Grilled cheese at In and Out.” There is something very wrong with those two words.
There I stood inside, the smell overpowering and memories of my father getting a Strawberry shake, hamburger, and fries. The days living in Southern California having “In and Out” right at my fingertips anytime any day-never having a bad burger day at In and Out.
I arrived at the register and she smiled with her white paper hat and red/white outfit with the name tag “Wendy.”
“Um, um, how is the grill cheese.” PRIS
“It’s very good for vegetarians.”
“True. I will have a cheeseburger.. No make that grilled cheese.” PRIS
“Okay sorry cheeseburger, I won’t make you change it again.” PRIS
“Are you sure?”
“Not really, but go ahead.” PRIS
And it happened I sat down in the corner in secrecy as if I was committing a crime eating this burger. With my vegan Best friend I was totally committing a crime. But I had only been pescatarian(fish, eggs, dairy, vegetarian) for three years….one burger…. This is not a crime..
Oh and it definitely was not a crime when I bit in and enjoyed the freshness. I decided that I was going to enjoy these moments and not look down. I also said, “It’s just like seitan…like Seitan-no big deal.” Midway I looked down and knew it wasn’t seitan. “Priscilla this is not any kind of meat “It is In and Out.” I decided to push through and eat the whole thing-I cheated on the crab and any fish I love, but fish is not so different and it was a strange experience, but I loved it.
Would I cheat again? I have all intentions in a positive direction, but never know what kind of nice looking meat could come my wayJ