Speeches, Awards, and Music.....
Award for a judge who created a Mental health program within the Judicial system between clients and families. Award for a Senator in Sacramento fighting for Mental healthcare through policy. Then we have our humorous and kind psychiatrist with the standard closing speech.
Music included a young adult who looked like Brad Pitt from "Thelma and Louise" wearing cowboy boots and playing Johnny Cash. He shared his diagnosis of Bipolar disorder and it was quite easy to connect with his emotional lyrics and "Somewhere over the Rainbow."
He spoke about his concerns for humanity...for how physical illness takes priority....patients just want to be acknowledged like everyone else. My favorite quote from him was ,"I ain't receive no casseroles or flowers at my hospital bed." He had such great charisma and a positive attitude. He currently visits local hospitals all over the country singing to children. Another inspirational man doing great things with the illnesss he did not choose rather it chose him. PCR