Lately, I have pretty good discipline and I don't shop at Malls unless I need to go to a department store.
But When In Rome...... Do Like the Minnesota folks
Shop it up at Mall of America.
Mall of America is just one of those things you can check off your bucket list as it is the "Largest Mall in America." It is filled with great food, shopping, and fun things to do. Waterpark anyone? Lego land? Rollar coaster? Ice skating? It's like an amusement park on skates holding a shopping bag. It is clearly the kind of place that you can spend the day and it is also the place to bring children. Let them get their child amusement while you get your adult amusement maxing out credit cards-yaay for malls right?
Malls are a love and hate relationship for me, but the "dislike" part became worse when I visited the Philippines-Manila and found maybe over 50 malls. Apparently, the Chinese and the Philippinos go into business over there with some serious money to build malls and let the poverty continue to get worse. While being in the Philippines my frustration became so bad I wanted to start a protest for those living on the street surrounding these malls in poverty.
Locals in Manila act in extremely selfish ways, choosing five different pastries for themselves at Bread talk café, and completely disregarding what is outside of the mall when they leave. Starbucks, Burger King, and an abundance of shopping stores take priority. The Mall of Asia is crowned the "biggest mall in Asia" in Manila, Philippines. People are so proud of this Mega mall with five levels and three buildings. It requires a map, an application, and a directory to get around it. It makes Manila special having this mall and this recognition for something so beautiful. That is what is important-corporations and malls.
When Malls exist in America-that is one thing.
When Malls exist in a third world country-that's a whole other story as the economy has a whole boat load of things to be concerned about and it is NOT Mrs. Field's cookies or American Eagle
It's unfortunate that Malls come in and take out smaller businesses
It's unfortunate that people overspend and take money from their saving to buy a Chanel Purse(perhaps not Chanel love it too much)
It's unfortunate people can't control their desire to eat from the artery clogging food court
Its unfortunate that people spend more time in malls than reading books
This sounds like I'm a "Mall Hater," but I'm a "Mall Moderator." I want people to enjoy the mall in moderation, have awareness to those who can't afford a mall, and buy what they need rather than have a closet full of clothes just to have it.
I do love clothes, I do love shopping, and I do love sales but overtime I have become more aware of what I spend, where I spend it, and how I spend it. It's not an unlimited shopping spree rather it is what I can afford within my budget.
As for Mall of America, I bought a few dresses and a few hours later we were on our way back to Chicago-a city with many more malls and shopping.