She asked, "Do you ever watch Joel Osteen?"
In my head, I was thinking Is she talking about that commercial pastor on TV all the time?
I replied, "No."
She said, "You need to start watching him-he will really change your life.
Unfortunately, I never took her advice because I also believed in my own personal relationship, prayer, church ministry, and listening to my Pastor from www.willowcreek.org
Bill Hybels. He always got me through the challenging times and he was a positive inspiration. When I thought about Joel Osteen, I just thought "Commercial," which in my mind meant "Not Interested. Next."
A couple years later, I learned that this was far from the truth and I had been missing out on some incredible, inspiring, heartfelt, spiritually guided sermons. Around November 2014, I decided to start watching Joel Osteen. I don't even remember Why or How, but that is irrelevant because I am here Now as a dedicated follower of Joel Osteen-his sermons, books, events, and more. He has had a powerful role in my consciousness, which as a psychoanalyst I can confidently say....That is not an easy task.
There is a reason because he is watched all over the world and has the largest attendance in his church-not because he is commercial rather he is authentic and a man of God. His passion, sincerity, loyalty, and love for people pours straight out of his heart. It's such a positive addition that I would like to share.
Is this a post that is meant to convince me to support and/or watch Joel Osteen?
I ask this question because I never want people to think that I am a Christian who is trying to engage in "religious persuasion." That is not the place I come from with my work, writing, and interaction with people. It's always in my best interests to share my knowledge, experiences, beliefs, theories, ideas, etc. with others. I have no intention on making anyone uncomfortable, but that does not mean I don't encourage you to try watching a video one time.
As I tell people, if someone can connect to his messages and gains something positive then why not just try it out. Someone who has the motto "Believe In Your Purpose." It would not make sense to not share someone that is moving me closer to my own purpose. I want the best for YOU and trying out a video is a great way to see if you feel a connection. It may take a couple tries and you could love it or feel like it's not for you. Either is just fine!
What Do You Gain from His Sermons?
Joel Osteen is one of the best pastors not because he has a stadium full of people, but he is a Realist. He speaks in a manner that can relate to everyone in their everyday life and this continues through almost every sermon.
It's not in his interest, but that of the people to inspire them to work past negativity, loss, bad breaks, disability, weaknesses, and unfortunate circumstances. He gives people a sense of hope and his emotion is heartfelt and connected to myself and others.
As I mentioned previously, the consciousness. This is a difficult task, but I believe that is why people keep on coming back. He is making a person more conscious of their decisions, feelings, thoughts, and honoring God in the process. People need to repetitively hear similar things in speech to have it build into their thought process.
" I have been waiting for an hour and this person just hung up the phone."
I could get upset or I could say, "That person is having a bad day and I'm not going to let it effect me."
It is instances like these where Joel enters into my mind and the minds of millions. This is an incredible gift that I am aspiring to do in my own work each and every session I have.
This man has done it and God Bless Him for that Positive Change on the World!
I'm not in the Texas area to attend?
Unfortunately, I have never had the chance to be in the presence of Joel Osteen and feel that energy live, but his messages are just as good online. He is a fantastic speaker and you can feel his passion right through the screen.
www.joelosteen.com Go to Messages and Choose Your FREE Message!
I Don't Understand Christianity and the Bible
That is perfectly fine. Everyone starts somewhere and if you are going to start-Joel could
be a good place to start. When we think about a Pastor, it's common to think about the traditional components and how you are sitting there in your seat waiting for it to end. This is not by any means insulting the bible or incredibly beautiful Pastors, but purely indicating that everyone has a different preference for their church and pastor. It's completely understandable and recommended to find the best fit for YOU.
But Joel incorporates scripture in a clear way you can understand. It's actually good for a beginning because something may spark your interest and you may want to read about it.
With Joel, I think about my real life and how he is impacting my decisions, ideas, insecurities, doubts, fears, passion-his intent is to empower you to think about the real life you live and how you can change. Have faith in yourself and him!
I Don't Have Time to Watch Him
Well, we all prioritize our religion in different ways and everyone has their own lifestyle. What is great about Joel is you can watch him anywhere. You can listen to him in the car, watch him at the gym(I enjoy this the most), watch him on TV, or watch a message while waiting for your laundry to finish. There is always that pocket of time that can be designated into something positive. His messages are usually 28-34 minutes, which is a lunch break, a gym time, breakfast, before going to sleep, during commericials on TV, while you are on facebook, twitter, instagram or browsing the web- FIND YOUR POCKET OF TIME. PCR
If it's not to watch Joel, find that pocket of time to dedicate yourself to something that you are passionate about and makes you shine PCR
Recommended Messages to Move Towards a Purposeful Life:
Page 1 Pushed into Purpose, I'm Still Standing
Page 2 Secret Frustrations
Page 3 Covered by Mercy, Spirit of Honor, Choose Faith Inspite of Facts
Page 4 Focus on the Promise Not the Problem, Shine Brightly, Finishing Grace
There are many more that are fantastic and it's up to YOU to pick one that sparks your interest, and relates to YOUR life, challenges, opportunity, passion, family etc.
Going forward you may see some references to Joel Osteen as he does have a positive influence on my spirit. I have all my own theories, ideas, and beliefs, but he does confirm many of them and provides a cleaner path for me and those around me.