It has been a loooong time since I posted on this website and my apologies for not being present. I started my other website and it has not been my greatest success. Wordpress is not really a good friend of my mine and I have had lot of difficulty with my blog and how things are getting posted. I have a tech guy who works on the site, but things get fixed and then go back to the same issues. Bigger, better, more expensive is not always the best!
Anyways, I'm working on what to do with that website this year and thought I would say "hello" to my Weebly site all created by myself that I am really proud of! I am proud of my little website that I made quite a few years ago.
How are you? How is the start to your New Year?? Wishing everyone Love, peace, happiness and of course a PURPOSEFUL year of self-growth, self-exploration, and giving back-helping others, being present, reading, traveling, listening to the needs/wants of others, volunteering, believing in something greater than yourself:)
Since I have been missing from this blog, I thought I would highlight my last year.
Went to my hometown Buenos Aires, Argentina to pick up the belongings I left there with my amazing friend Rodrigo. I met him in Necochea- a beach city south of Buenos Aires. I had the most incredible New Years and first week of 2018 with him, his family, and friends. It was so peaceful, lovely, and I don't even know it it's possible to find a cuter family to live with....yeah not possible.
After this lovely time, I went to Mar del plata for 2 weeks and met a huge group of friends to spend my days with, going to the beach, going out at night, eating pizza, having a coffee, playing volleyball-another incredible 2 weeks.
It was beginning of February where I went to Pina Mar-another beach city in Argentina and I stayed with another lovely family.(I guess I'm addicted to that feeling of family). She was Indian(so we realllly got along well) and her husband was an Argentinian tennis player, and there son... well he was exactly what I would like my future son to look like-1 year old and the cutest. Their lifestyle was going to his family summer home, which was stunnning in this forest near the beach and then during the year he would travel to tennis tournaments in Europe and Asia with their little son as a family. A life I kind of picture for myself one day-it was quiet nice to see(not to mention they were both super good looking- I know, I know just saying.)
Next, I went back to Buenos Aires, which was a ghost town because all the locals were on holiday and I started working on my visa to Bolivia, which took a whole lot longer than anticipated. My plan was to go to Bolivia and work on a social work project or with an NGO-there were quiet a few to choose from in Sucre, Bolivia so that was where I was going and that is where I ended up loving.
After the month it took to get a visa, I ended up in Bolivia in March where I immediately started working with the San Juan de Dios hospital as a Occupational therapist with those with severe and persistent Mental illness.
For some who don't know, this population is my passion and I have several years experience working with this youth and adults so this was right up my alley.
I really cant emphasize how much I love South America and the type of people are so special, so beautiful, and so alive. It really was a magical experience as I was immersed into the country- staying with a Bolivian family, eating Bolivian food everyday, speaking Spanish, and spending time with my staff that were 100 percent local Bolivians.
San Juan de dios is ranked as the best hospital in Bolivia so it was great to be a part of the religious aspect(masses, festivals, and holidays) and the dance parties we had every Wednesday with all my clients. It was so great I didn't want to leave, but I had to go back to Chicago to earn some income because this was a 3.5 month volunteer job. I didn't earn money, but I earned an amazing experience that replaces any dollar one can earn.
JUNE 2018
Back to Chicago where I work until August
It is very rare for me to spend my birthday in the states. I try to travel to a new country every year and this year was time to revisit Europe and head to Portugal for my first time. August 4 to September 10 was a purely fun vacation from various cities in Portugal to Prague to Budapest to Krakow to Slovakia and back to Portugal. The beaches, the new friends, the food, the coffee, the nature, the sights, the history-it was all wonderful! I will definitely share some photos and pictures on this site someday in the near future!
Back to work in Chicago-not much to report as the holidays were spent working and I did not take any trips to the East coast:( I was invited for Thanksgiving and for my cousin's baby shower, but planning on visiting in February 2019.