We come to these times in life where we have to make the decision to go left or right. We can choose what appears to be the "perfect" or "easy" route or we can choose a more realistic route that may have some trial and error, but it's beneficial to the self.
To stay in that dysfunctional relationship or to start a new one. To lose weight facing many challenges or eat healthier. To choose a new job or stay unappreciated by a boss, but loved by a staff.
This fork in the road is a time to make a conscious decision on what direction to take. If you are always turning left into the fresh paved, flat cement and your life is consistently the same-maybe it's time to turn right. There is fear with turning right and thinking that those bumps are going to Break us when they are actually going to Make us. PCR
Those bumps in the road are the trial and error, the challenges, the learning opportunities that are going to contribute to our growth. It's not recognized in the moment, but with time insight and understanding will grow.
For instance, the person losing weight chooses liposuction instead of learning healthy eating habits through self control and discipline. The woman breaks up with her boyfriend instead of creating solutions for their difficulties together. It is common to run from those bumps in the road, but we don't have to run anymore. We are given the gift of experiential learning that sometimes takes us in directions we don't choose. Why?
Because these are wake up calls to start learning and appreciate your life.
This is your time to fall off the bike, clean off your leg from the stones, and get back on and keep riding.
Choose a conscious direction that will allow you to learn about yourself and your true lifestyles. It's not going to be easy, but it could or should be worth it.
No matter what direction you take you will find your way.......