When her 1989 tour was coming to Chicago, I knew it was my time to see her! I attend many concerts, but I never saw her live...ever...so I must go!
Having no interest in dragging people to a show, btw that doesn't work when the ticket cost three times the normal price, I decided to enjoy it by myself and have my "moments."
The concert was in Soldier field, which is a mile off the train so you have a large stampede all walking down the sidewalks and a mile through the park up to the stadium. Lots of families, lots of adorable kids, lots of creative posters, 1989 lights in numbers, and glow sticks.....and I met some fans who have been coming since her first show, fans who travel miles and miles to see her 1989 show again. People who come to Soldier field two nights in a row to see her. She always talks about her fans and she has some seriously committed fans who are borderline obsessed with her in a good childlike way or an adult-perhaps should find something else to do kind of way.
My seat was a side stage seat, but everything was open the screen was in front and so was the "Taylor runway." Soldier field is huge and sitting up in the 300 or 400 level would be way too far. I was happy with my "Single seat" that happened to be available and saved for me by Ticketmaster:) In my section, I met these cute younger girls in their late teens who were so excited and acting like school girls- "Oh those were the days." We were sitting and watching through the side stage door to see if we saw her and caught a glimpse one time in her black leather one piece.
When we entered we received a bracelet that glows when you pull the tab, but this one was special because with each song it turned a different color and you would see the all the 55,000 people in Solider field change color! At the end, it was multi-color along with fireworks and confetti-so much fun!
About Ms. Taylor Swift:
Taylor is beautiful and the girl does not have one bad angle.
She is dating my favorite DJ Calvin Harris(also recent underwear model for Armani).
She absolutely loves the camera a bit too much, but that probably is what happens after being on it for ten years.
She loves to strut...strut...and strut on that runway they created for her! She even had two of her supermodel friends from Paris come and dance, strut, smile, pose...on her runway??
She has Selected screen that make her look thinner than she already is, which would make her 85 pounds.
She doesn't need to try so hard...she is Taylor Swift they will love her anyways!
She played "Love story" swinging through the air playing her piano-cool
I hope she eats a few cookies and doesn't develop an eating disorder(or already have one) hanging out with supermodels. Regardless, she is awesome, beautiful, and talented. Shake it off T Swift!