There are so many interactions that happen in a day and unless everyone is a therapist what motivates them to listen to it all? People pick and choose what they want to listen and react to and question/analyze. A thought or belief is triggered, a feeling is felt when we say something with confidence, when we are enthusiastic, when we challenge a belief, when we share a story, when we share....our voice....
Within our inner circle, people may become accustomed to a certain type of person. We get comfortable and stay in convenient social situations and work environments. We listen to our boss out of pure obligation. We listen to a friend out of obligation to friendship and being a good friend. Underneath the exterior and touching on the interior, there is a voice. For instance, Dana friendly, humorous, a good mother, a yoga lover, and the one who agrees with everyone. It's common for Dana to have her normal discussions about her routine and fun hobbies, but when she speaks about politics. She does just that-speaking with people partially listening or joking. Dana is also involved in a verbally abusive relationship controlled by her husband who is rarely even home. She mentions how many women have common problems and wants to start a group, but they focus on the exterior-a rich good looking man. Dana insincerely agrees, but inside Dana has a voice that she is not being utilized.
Dana is speaking, but no one is hearing her voice.....
Our voice is something that is found deep inside of us and it has a tone, a message, a type of delivery to leave an impact on another human being. Our voice is often hindered by those speaking around us. If Dana confidently discussed her marriage group, shared the idea, and gave it credibility. Her friends may respond differently or ask questions to learn more. Her voice could come alive rather than be hidden within a "fun, great, fortunate" life. Instead of just being a housewife with a great life-she would have a voice to help women speak up about their marriage problems.
Other situations: a wife can truly speak up about how she feels rather than living in the same routine not pursuing her dream to be a teacher.
A homosexual man is constantly hiding his real sexuality and he has a voice to speak up and come out proud
A boy is constantly being told to play sports, but he has a passion for music. He has a voice to speak up about his interests, talents ,and abilities.
A woman of domestic violence is silenced for years. She has a voice of value to share her story with others.
Our voice can have value with a strong tone and meaning within our voice. That is where the tone of our voice comes in with true importance. When you speak and act in a passive manner-the voice may not be delivered properly. When you speak with inner confidence, enthusiasm, passion, heart, and purpose-this inner voice shines and it has value. It gives your own voice value and it is valued by others. Perhaps, Dana will now speak about her marriage in depth rather than superficially. She may teach her friends about the common marriage myths or the noticeable changes in behavior.
Everyone has learning experiences that contribute to our personal growth and our own story. Our story, our purpose, and passion presents the opportunity to share our voice. How it impacted us? What it meant to us? How to cope with it? How to find a solution? How to fight for a cause? The voice can educate, but it can also create a tremendous amount of hope, empowerment, and strength. People will try to silence your voice, but your voice has value. Even with opposition, keep speaking and allow the voice to breathe, share, and express your true self.
It's your time to Let Your Voice Have It's Earned Value PCR
A voice....Bold, but not Overconfident
Assertive, but not Controlling
Insightful, but not Brilliant
Humble, but not Arrogant
Elevated, but not Loud