The ministry music started consisting of his daughter singing and son playing the guitar. The anticipation was making my heart beat faster as I was waiting to feel that energy. It happened so fast and out he came-Joel Osteen. I saw his smile and my head fell straight into my hands with tears of joy. They were mixed emotions as I felt like I had missing support and he had filled that void. This event with him had such meaning and it was one of faith, hope, and a need for confirmation that he was who I expected him to be.
Of course, it seems ridiculous to many, but to those who are believers it should not be such a surprise. This man has tremendous inspiration and provides me the inspiration that I truly need. It's his spirit that pours over into the hearts of many. It's his sincere smile and his nervous behavior that proves he is human. It's his love for people that is crystal clear within his words.
As I sat there staring at him and glancing at the screen, he looked the same as he did on the screen as he did in person. His wife looked even more stunning- she spoke with him as well with a joint effort to produce a true "Night of Hope"(name of the event). He confessed his love and adoration for his wife and children. His Mom spoke about her battle with cancer. I couldn't help, but wonder, "What would it be like to be part of this family being surrounded by Ministry and God's love all the time?" Wow.
There was something else about this family especially "Joel, Victoria, and his Mother." They all had this "sparkle" in their eye. It is a slight tearing that appears as if they are speaking from spirit. It's like a "Shimmer for the Lord" making their connection meaningful and believable-nice to see and feel that connection. When you see a person filled up with God's love, it's quite the sight to see...quite the sight.
Also, as a Behavior Analyst, I had to observe this man. When I was suppose to be watching the screen or focusing on the band, I spent many moments staring at him. Of course, I focused on the initial appearance, but beyond it..When the band was playing and he stood to the side, when Victoria was speaking, when he was praying with the guest speakers(Pastors from Minnesota speaking). This man had nervous tendencies the way he held his hands and had mistakes with his words, he walked with innocence, when he prayed his eyes were closed tight, and it was like no one was around him. His body language was saying that he was no different than anyone else. I could tell that he worked hard to get on that stage and that made me prouder of him for his amazing accomplishment. He's not the "perfectly portrayed" Pastor on TV. He is just Joel. And that is the confirmation that I was looking for.....
Now when it comes to celebrities or authority figures, I have met quite a few including: Oprah, the Dalai Lama, Prime minster, and a King. It can go either direction where I truly feel the Lord's spirit or it can go the opposite way where I feel nothing like I did with Oprah. With Joel, his spirit poured out into the audience and those in his presence. It proved my belief that he is not commercial rather he is authentic.
While Joel did share a couple message, I had listened to them previously, but it's always good to hear his messages many times because A.) You can always learn something new and B.) It enters into your consciousness and you begin to believe it, receive it, and use it PCR
Here are some points he shared:
Just because we can't see a way doesn't mean God can't find a way!
God is leading those who make ordinary mistakes to be extraordinary leaders
You will never rise any higher than you see yourself
If you don't conceive it you won't believe it
God is in control of the storm God directs winds to blow us to our place Use faith to believe we will find our way Delivering and sustaining faith
Beautiful thoughts can change the atmosphere of the mind
Put compliments in your box and keep them safe
His main message was about "Destiny Genes." Sometimes our "Destiny Genes" are lying dormant and are replaced with negative genes that don't deserve our attention. It may take time, but at one point our destiny genes will be activated, our moment of favor will arrive, and we will experience a good break. As human beings, we deserve to be comfortable and happy with the genes fit for our destiny.